Lyziebell's Blog

Archive for February 2010

Most people view life as a series of moments that are connected by accomplishments they finish and/or stepping-stones they reach, but to me, life is a stream of events, tiny seconds sewn together by our memories due to the emotion we felt.  We don’t remember much of the mediocre parts of our lives, we do, however, remember the good, the bad, the sad, the happy, and the other moments that create strong emotions within us.  When we reach the end of our lives and look back, we’re not going to remember all the awards we received, all the lies we told, all the seconds we wasted away, but will remember all the highs and lows (mostly the highs).

It doesn’t matter what the past is, there is always the future, or how badly someone has ‘screwed up’ because there is always room for change.  That is what life is about.  Life isn’t about being stagnant, life isn’t about watching as events, friends, seasons, well everything, passes by, life is about action.  We are designed to move and to develop and to change.  The most fulfilling lives are lives full of action, of momentum, of great, darning leaps.

So the challenge of the week, the purpose i guess, is: Be a person of action.  Don’t let life race by, but instead face it head on, dive in and enjoy it because those moments, those seconds of change and development are most of what it is really all about.

I don’t think that I’m incredibly intelligent.  I don’t think that I’m one of those people who has a storehouse of knowledge that needs to be shared, but have found myself, (especially lately) spilling an odd amount of insight, and I decided to leak it out here.  For anyone who wants, I’m planning on making this at least a weekly place to leave a little of that insight.
People often tell me I have an interesting and different perspective; I don’t know if that’s true, but I am now going to be sharing it.  I have been through a lot of things, some amazing, some terrible, some mediocre, and all these have had a part in making me into the person I am now and i want for these to hopefully help other people too.
So, Welcome into my mind, I guess, i hope you enjoy the ride, or at least have a good time laughing at my ideas.

  • None
  • Britany: Write this after seeing Alice in Wonderland, did we? I like it!
