Lyziebell's Blog

The second that you know it’s for real.  That’s what i’m living for.  Sure we see it synthetically created on movie screens or in books, but authenticity is what i am looking for.  Love.  What is this most complex emotion?

Some people think that love is simple a reaction to someone else’s action, others hold the microscopic view that love is affection, while others see it as an action, but is it any of these things or, perhaps, is it all of them?

Love is so complex, it is something that poets have tried to describe, scientist have tried to examen, and almost everyone is trying to experience it.  Love can not be tested like an experiment, it can not be expressed because it is abstract, yet we all know what love is once we encounter it.  We feel the sudden and breathtaking affects of the emotion, our bodies react, our faces light up, our brains cloud over, we stubble and we bumble over words and thoughts and we never seem to solve all the mysteries of that one person.

I think that is what love is.  Love is the mystery.  It’s all the other little things, but what makes it uniquely love is the fact that we can not place it in a lab and find the chemical composition of it, we can not put it into words, we can not fully understand, we just have to accept it and surrendered ourselves to it.

That’s why i’ve decided to wait for someone who can not catch their breath when i am in the room, who can not imagine his life without once in enter it.  Someone who is just elusive enough that i never grow bored of them.  I am waiting for real, honest, reckless, crushing love.

So the challenge: What is love to you? and why are you pursuing it?

Here i am again, sitting at a computer putting thoughts into print instead of doing much-needed work.  Life comes at us fast and sometimes we stand there just a little flabbergasted by what we see.  There is no part of us that can predict what will happen.  You see, we as humans like to believe that we are rational and logical creatures so we choose to think that we will proceed to do things in a rational and logical fashion.  This makes perfect sense, except for the fact that we are NOT rational.  Part of  being human is being rash and illogical and idealistic and just plain confusing sometimes.  There is no way to predict human behavior because that would take away the fact that people don’t always do what we expect them to.  No matter how much we know someone or how deeply we connect with another, we will never understand someone unless we are inside his (or her) mind and even then our knowledge would be limited because one does not know every aspect of his own mind. 
While that’s part of the terrifying truth of humans, we can’t predict them, we are simply forced to succeed to frequent unexpected wills, it is also part of the beauty of humanity.  Due to the lack of rationality we possess it lends to the hope of change.  If people could be predicted and were entirely logical then we would never see a change in them, but because we are so prone to doing things and experimenting we often find ourselves changing before we realize that we’re different. 
Life isn’t about living it’s about becoming.  We are constantly transforming into who we are designed to be.  That’s why some things work out, others fall through, and things play out the way they do.  We are all BECOMING.

I think that we as people are innately afraid of others that challenge us to be better without meaning to because we are afraid of failing, but those others are the kind of people who forgive us and help us up despite the falls that we take. We spend so much of our time trying to be accepted and trying to be “good enough” in the eyes of others that we often don’t realize the number of people who do accept us just the way we are.  Some people don’t spend all their time picking apart our flaws or our tiny imperfections they just focus on the positive attributes and the ways in which they can help us.  As people, we spend much of our time longing for things we can never have because we think we can make them work, we like the challenge, we like to know that “we did something”, but in reality we can’t make things work out if there is no one to help us, we can’t change the world until we change ourselves, and we never know what we have until it’s gone.

So this weeks challenge: Look at the positive in others and cling to those who see it in you.  Work on becoming the kind of friend a friend would like to have and learn to trust other people.

Take a second and ponder what you think the most wonderful thing would be.  Would it be a person, a place, a job, a moment?  Now take a second and actually believe that it will happen.  I think as humans we spend so much time thinking that what we want will not happen that we live in fear of what will happen or what could become.  We are so often terrified by “What if” that we never even ask the question.
For each one of us there is something we believe in more than anything.  There is something be hold onto.  Those things we must find and we must cling to and believe in them with all our might, because what are we, after all, but a series of beliefs?
So the challenge for the week: Find the wonder in the world, find the thing that makes you tick, find your belief.  Maybe you have more than one.  Maybe you’re like me and you find the wonder in the flower growing up through the crack in the sidewalk, in the Love of a Savior, in a man who will have my heart, in the giggle of children, and the love the those around me.
Wonder is all about… We live in a Wonderland…

Most people view life as a series of moments that are connected by accomplishments they finish and/or stepping-stones they reach, but to me, life is a stream of events, tiny seconds sewn together by our memories due to the emotion we felt.  We don’t remember much of the mediocre parts of our lives, we do, however, remember the good, the bad, the sad, the happy, and the other moments that create strong emotions within us.  When we reach the end of our lives and look back, we’re not going to remember all the awards we received, all the lies we told, all the seconds we wasted away, but will remember all the highs and lows (mostly the highs).

It doesn’t matter what the past is, there is always the future, or how badly someone has ‘screwed up’ because there is always room for change.  That is what life is about.  Life isn’t about being stagnant, life isn’t about watching as events, friends, seasons, well everything, passes by, life is about action.  We are designed to move and to develop and to change.  The most fulfilling lives are lives full of action, of momentum, of great, darning leaps.

So the challenge of the week, the purpose i guess, is: Be a person of action.  Don’t let life race by, but instead face it head on, dive in and enjoy it because those moments, those seconds of change and development are most of what it is really all about.

I don’t think that I’m incredibly intelligent.  I don’t think that I’m one of those people who has a storehouse of knowledge that needs to be shared, but have found myself, (especially lately) spilling an odd amount of insight, and I decided to leak it out here.  For anyone who wants, I’m planning on making this at least a weekly place to leave a little of that insight.
People often tell me I have an interesting and different perspective; I don’t know if that’s true, but I am now going to be sharing it.  I have been through a lot of things, some amazing, some terrible, some mediocre, and all these have had a part in making me into the person I am now and i want for these to hopefully help other people too.
So, Welcome into my mind, I guess, i hope you enjoy the ride, or at least have a good time laughing at my ideas.

  • None
  • Britany: Write this after seeing Alice in Wonderland, did we? I like it!
